NEW ArT 18 - Dresden

fair for contemporary art
Intension of this fair is the direct contact between artists and visitors, which should allow to experience art from a different perspective.
The NEW ArT 187 will take place on 05th-07th January 2018 on the area of MESSE DRESDEN.
finared – FineArtEdition is partner of the NEW ArT 18.
We are available for artists and visitors – particularly from places around Leipzig – for questions regarding participation and visiting the exhibition.
Please contact us if you wish to participate as artist in the exhibition. We plan with you then the preparation and participation of the fair like selection of art, area-size, number of movable walls, actions at the fair, services of the fair, advertising for the exhibition, etc.
More information about the fair you will find here when available.
Please call Bernhard Berres at +49 172 4110766 or send us an mail to “NEUE-Art-18(at)”